Spine Fractures: Causes and Symptoms

lower back pain

A spine fracture is a serious medical condition which can occur due to trauma, infection, cancer or underlying medical conditions like osteoporosis. This can cause pain which limits mobility or even paralysis if the spinal cord is affected. Below are the listed causes and symptoms of Spine Fractures.

Causes of spine fractures

In the recent 2024 SQ 321 incident, there were 22 spine injuries out of 44 passengers admitted to the hospital in Bangkok. These fractures occurred due to trauma sustained from being thrown up and landing back down. Other causes of traumatic spine fractures are falls from height and road traffic accidents.

Osteoporosis is another common cause, particularly in older adults, where weakened bones are more susceptible to fractures. This is getting more common in Singapore and countries with an aging population.

Tumors or infections of the spine can also cause spine fractures. With an aging population, tumors and infections are getting more prevalent. A history of cancer or fever with night sweats should alert one to the possibility of a spine fracture if there is concomitant back pain.

Symptoms to Watch For

Symptoms of spinal fractures can range from mild to severe. Common signs include sudden onset of back pain, limited mobility, and in severe cases, numbness or weakness in limbs. It’s crucial to monitor these symptoms closely, as they can indicate the severity of the injury.

Treatment and Recovery

Treatment for spinal fractures depends on the severity of the injury. Minor fractures may not require surgery and can heal with rest, physical therapy, and wearing a back brace. Severe fractures, however, might necessitate surgical intervention.

Recovery often takes up to 12 weeks, during which physical therapy plays a vital role in regaining strength and mobility. If there is a spinal cord injury resulting in weakness or paralysis, rehabilitation will take a longer time and there might be permanent disability from the spinal cord injury.

If you suspect a spinal fracture, seek immediate medical attention to prevent further complications.

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About The Author


Dr Gamaliel Tan

Orthopaedic Surgeon Specialising in Spine Surgery in Singapore

Dr Gamaliel Tan is a qualified and experienced spine specialist in Singapore with over 25 years of experience in designing and providing effective solutions for different orthopaedic problems. He specialises in spine surgery and has experience in endoscopic spine surgery and motion preservation spine procedures (artificial disc replacements).

He is a member of the Singapore Spine Society and AOSpine Society.

Qualifications and Achievements

Head of Department, Department of Orthopaedics | NTFGH 2009 - 2018

Council member of the AOSpine East Asia group 2017 – 2020

Head of the Spine Division | NTFGH 2009 - 2023

Group Chief Medical Informatics Officer (GCMIO) | NUHS 2020-2023

MBBS (S'pore)

MMED (S'pore)

FAMS (Ortho)

FRCS (Edin)

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