Slipped Disc
Symptoms Of A Slipped Disc
Localised or Radiating Pain
A common symptom of a slipped disc is localised or radiating pain, which occurs when the displaced disc material compresses or irritates nearby nerves.
Numbness or Tingling
This can often be experienced as either localised or radiating sensations along the nerve pathways affected by compression or irritation.
Muscle Weakness
Muscle weakness can often present as reduced strength in the affected muscles due to nerve compression or irritation.
Back Pain
This is pain which may be sharp or dull and can be either localised to the affected area or radiate along the nerve pathways.
Lost Of Bowel/Bladder Control
Loss of bowel or bladder control is a serious symptom that may indicate significant nerve compression, requiring immediate medical attention.
Lost Of Sensation In The Genital Area
Loss of sensation in the genital area is a concerning symptom of a slipped disc that often requires immediate medical evaluation.

- Being overweight
- Sitting for long periods of time
- Physically demanding occupations
- Smoking
- Repetitive movements such as lifting, bending, or twisting
It includes the doctor checking the patient’s back for pain and tenderness. The doctor also asks the patient to move his/her legs in certain movements while lying to assess the cause of pain. Muscle strength, reflexes, balance and other sensations are evaluated during the physical exam.
These tests include MRI, CT scan, X-rays, and myelogram that help visualise any slipped discs or bone problems.
Nerve tests such as electromyogram and nerve conduction tests help the doctor measure how well the electrical impulses move through the nerves to detect any nerve impingement or damage.
Slipped Disc Treatment In Singapore
Treatment can vary from conservative methods like medications, physical therapy and possibly corticosteroid injections, to more invasive procedures such as surgery. The treatment approach depends on the severity of the symptoms and the specific needs of the patient. Treatment for slipped disc involves the following options:

Painkillers, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants and neuropathic drugs help relieve the symptoms of pain.

Physical Therapy
Slipped disc exercises and stretches help relieve pain and strengthen the core muscles. Traction allows a mild disc bulge to retract to its original position.

Corticosteroid Injections
Steroid and nerve block injections in the area around the slipped disc help reduce inflammation and pain.

Surgery For Slipped Disc
Discectomy, Laminectomy or Spinal Fusion Surgery is recommended for individuals with severe symptoms that have not responded to conservative treatment.
FAQs on Slipped Disc
Most slipped disc recovery time takes 4 to 6 weeks with conservative treatment and physical therapy. However, more severe cases may take more time to recover depending on the location and extent of disc herniation.
A disc bulge refers to the spinal disc being squished between two vertebrae which causes the disc to bulge outward. On the other hand, a slipped disc refers to the situation where the outer layer of the disc has a hole or tear in it which causes the inner jelly-like centre to leak outside into the spinal canal. Both can cause nerve compression. However, disc bulges heal much faster and may cause fewer complications.
Maintaining a good posture, taking breaks while sitting for long periods, strengthening your muscles and utilising your leg muscles instead of the back muscles while lifting heavy objects are some of the measures that can help reduce the risk of getting a slipped disc.
A severe slipped disc, if left untreated, can lead to permanent nerve damage and severe long-term complications. If you experience loss of bladder or bowel control and loss of sensation in the genital or anal region, waste no time and contact us immediately. These are serious symptoms that must be assessed and treated at the earliest. Treatments for slipped disc in Singapore without surgery is possible for minor injuries, so do not wait to seek treatment if you are in pain.
Most cases of mild slipped disc recovery take around 6 weeks without any treatment. However, in more severe cases, the healing and recovery time can lengthen. We do not recommend slipped disc treatment at home.
Slipped disc surgery in Singapore is considered only after conservative treatment options fail to alleviate symptoms or if there is significant functional impairment. Surgical options may include minimally invasive procedures to remove the protruded disc fragments.
Preventive measures include maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, practicing good posture, using proper lifting techniques and avoiding smoking. These lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of developing a slipped disc.
Many individuals recover well with appropriate treatment and can return to normal activities. The long-term outlook depends on the severity of the herniation and adherence to the treatment plan. Regular follow-ups are crucial for monitoring progress and preventing recurrence.
Our Specialist
About Gamaliel Tan
MBBS (S'pore), MMED (S'pore), FAMS (Ortho), FRCS (Edin)Dr Gamaliel Tan is a spine surgeon in Singapore with over 25 years of experience in designing and providing effective solutions for different orthopaedic problems. He specialises in spine surgery and has experience in endoscopic spine surgery and motion preservation spine procedures (artificial disc replacements).
Qualifications and Achievements
- Head of Department, Department of Orthopaedics | NTFGH 2009 - 2018
- Council member of the AOSpine East Asia group 2017 – 2020
- Head of the Spine Division | NTFGH 2009 - 2023
- Group Chief Medical Informatics Officer (GCMIO) | NUHS 2020-2023


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